Saturday, January 11, 2025

Your Corporate Leadership Team Speaks!


Here's your corporate Q1 report from Sue Higgins, et al. (Sarah Cooper) to brighten everyone's day!


  1. Really too true to be funny. 🥹 When I was a corporate trainer at an electric utility (you know, the first people laid off during downsizing because the LAST thing we need is well-trained employees!), there were lots of supervisors who would tell me they had no time for "soft" skills. This would come during discussions about how to treat employees like human beings! I would be yelled at that "you're just a trainer and I'm the one who's under pressure to get increase productivity!!" My answer was always "OK, let's do the 'hard' skills...what is your level of productivity now and what do you want it to be?" (🦗crickets) I am absolutely amazed that anything gets done and I am really sick of jackasses screaming that we need to run this country like a business!! We already are!! Performative bullshit and no idea how to actually govern/manage!! 🤪🤬🤡💩
