Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Drudge Sludge

Jon Swift has a thorough wrap up of the controversy sparked by unnamed sources claiming the CNN correspondent Michael Ware "heckled" Sen. "St." John McCain in his recent Baghdad new conference. The "sources" fed wingnut gossipmonger Matt "I Gossip, You Swallow" Drudge, who faithfully spread the report without fact checking it. Keep in mind that Mr. Sludge hasn't been to Baghdad, hasn't even broken suction on his chair in years, and is calling out a reporter who's been in a war zone for roughly four years.

Un-for-tu-nate-ly, video evidence of the press conference shows that Ware didn't even speak, much less heckle. Uh oh. Well, guess this means a retraction from Mr. Sludge, right?

**crickets chirping ** **crickets chirping **


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