Thursday, October 11, 2007

Morning News Roundup

Some items that caught our eye this morning:

-- Gail Collins writes in today's NYT that Fred "Huckleberry" Thompson demonstrated in the recent Rethug "debate" that he "A) has all his marbles and B) is a terrible candidate." The article, "Calvin Coolidge Redux," also contains good thumbnails on the "debate's" other pygmies.

-- "Fox and Friends" had (M)ann Coulter on this morning trying to convince the hard-core cranks and crackpots that are the show's and Fux's audience that "conservatives" have "wit." She has a new book out, apparently, entitled "If Democrats Had Brains, They'd Be Republicans." Heh-heh. If it reveals the extent of wingnut wit, it's got to be a very thin book with very large print. And if (M)ann Coulter had an Adam's Apple, she'd be a man... uh, wait a minute...

-- The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Hillary beating Rudy Toot Toody in 3 battleground states (Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) by as much as 6 points. Rudy led in all 3 states in April.

-- The MSM have been abuzz lately about a reported rift between Sec. Rice and VP Deadeye Dick Cheney over how to deal with Iran. With the neocon chickenhawks beating the drums for a military strike, and Dumbya's track record of going along with whatever surrogate-daddy Deadeye wants, we have an uneasy feeling, to say the least, about how this is going to end.

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