A front page article in today's WaPo, "I'll Sell My Soul to the Devil," is a fine recap of the nexus of money and Rethug politics in Alaska. Two corrupt Rethug state representatives, Pete "I'll Sell My Soul to the Devil" Kott and Vic "Whoring" Kohring, have already been convicted of various bribery and conspiracy charges, as has a key influence peddler, Bill Allen. Three Rethug pols, Sen. Ted "Internet Tubes" Stevens, Rep. Don Young (pictured here), and Stevens' son, former Alaska state senator Ben "Didn't Fall Far from the Tree" Stevens, are under investigation, with Allen cooperating with Federal officials about the pols' sticky fingers.
The presumption of corruption has become such a given that several Alaska lawmakers have taken to wearing ballcaps with the initials "CBC" (for "Corrupt Bastards Club").
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