The Thompson "campaign": the WaPo has a front-page article today on the implosion of Foghorn's campaign thanks, in no small measure it would appear, to Foghorn's meddlesome daughter, er, wife Jeri "Jugs" Thompson. Foghorn did get a boost from the crackpots at the National Right to Life Committee, who endorsed Foghorn despite his recent declarations that he wouldn't support a Constitutional amendment outlawing abortion and his lobbying work on behalf of a family-planning group.
The Giuliani campaign: aides to Rudy Toot Tooty were working hard on damage control, following the indictment of his protege, Bernard "Love Nest" Kerik, on multiple Federal corruption and tax evasion charges. Walnuts McCain's campaign manager said, "A president's judgment matters and Rudy Giuliani has repeatedly placed personal loyalty over regard for the facts." Flip Flop Mitt's minions were also taking pot shots at Tooty's personnel screening skills. If Tancredo, Hunter, and the other pygmies had press operations, we're sure they'd be taking their shots, too.
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