Friday, February 1, 2008

(M)Ann Coulter Dissed by CPAC

This year's Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) won't be featuring (M)Ann Coulter as a featured speaker, apparently. She has created controversies in past CPAC group gropes, all but calling John Edwards a "fag" in 2007 (puzzling accusation coming from the never married spinster
(M)Ann, with the prominent Adam's Apple - - but we digress).

Guess the stench was too much even for the pathetic pigmies at CPAC. Although it would have been interesting to see (M)Ann set herself on fire again this year for the entertainment of the little boys at CPAC.

UPDATE: The certifiably unhinged (M)Ann was on the Fux Channel to claim that, if Walnuts! McCain is the Rethug nominee, she will not only vote for Hillary Clinton, but she will campaign for her. Hillary's "loss" is McCain's "gain".