Friday, February 29, 2008

Minn. DOT Chief Ousted

The Minnesota State Senate voted yesterday to throw the state's transportation commissioner out of office. Carol Molnau is notorious for refusing funding for her department for roads and bridges. Hmmm... Minnesota... bridges... ring a bell? Molnau was the implementer of "bridge-collapse conservative" Gov. Tim Pawlenty's policy of ignoring the state's aging and underfunded infrastructure. She is remembered for standing smiling behind Bridge Collapse Tim as he vetoed a road spending bill two years ago that would have put funds into, among other things, refurbishing the I-35W bridge that collapsed on August 1, 2007, in Minneapolis. Pawlenty has recently been mentioned as a possible running mate for Walnuts! McCain. What short memories those Rebunglecans have!


  1. His funding for infrastructure sure seems far from "pawlenty"! har-har.
