Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Right Wing's "Turnaround" Guy

Following last week's Conservative Political Action Committee's weenie roast in Washington, DC, various right wing poohbahs thought it would be a good idea to annoint Willard "Flip/Mousse/Mutt/Mitt" Romney as the "face of conservatism." "Mr. Romney is the 'turnaround specialist' the conservative movement needs," one winger proclaimed.

(We need to pause for a moment. . . .BWHAHAHAHAHAHAAA. Ahh, that's better.)

Well, he is experienced in turning around on every issue that is supposedly dear to the winger movement. He is, as Walnuts! McCain so aptly put it, "the candidate of change." Unfortunately for the wingers, he also ran either second, or more often, third in Rethug primaries/caucuses, because the true believers seemed to sense a phony in their midst.

It's entirely possible that in the next few years, Willard may again evolve from a "conservative" to some other political variety, depending, of course, on which way the Rethuglican winds are blowing. But the thought of Willard being put forward as "the face of conservatism" can only bring smiles to the faces of progressives everywhere.