Monday, July 28, 2008

Roving McBush

The noxious fumes of Turdblossom protege and McBush campaign chief Steve "Sack O' " Schmidt's presence are now being smelled.

First, can there be any doubt that Herr Schmidt was behind these McBush formulations: "I'm not prepared to see the sacrifice of so many brave young Americans lost because Senator Obama just views this [Iraq] war as another political issue with which he can change positions" and "Senator Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign." Such statements drew a sharp rebuke from Republican Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), who said McBush was "treading on some very thin ground here when he impugns motives..." An unnamed Rethug strategist also said such language was an indicator that the McBush campaign was "not happy with where they are and they're lashing out."

Second, needing an infusion of cash to his floundering campaign, McBush flip-flopped on his long-held opposition to offshore oil drilling and was handsomely rewarded by Big Oil. In the last half of June, after the flip-flop, McBush got $1.1 million in contributions from oil and gas industry executives. As David Donnelly of the non-partisan Public Campaign Action Fund put it, "This is a case study of how a candidate can change a policy position in the interest of raising money."

Isn't it wonderful to have the lessons of the great moralist, Karl Rove, brought to bear in St. John McBush's campaign?!

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