Monday, October 13, 2008

McNasty's Losing Strategy

Since the last debate, John McNasty's campaign has resembled an angry lynch mob rather than a Presidential campaign. As we've noted previously, the winguts have been shouting "kill him" and "traitor" and "off with his head" when Sen. Obama's name is mentioned at McNasty and You Betcha campaign "rallies". Their innuendoes that Obama's "not one of us" and that he's "hiding something" threw gasoline on the fire that hate radio and the wingnutosphere started. Now they've been burned by the public's distaste for the hate spewing from the "rallies." It was getting so you'd have to cover the kids' ears when video clips of their "rallies" would appear on TV.

It's a losing strategy, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, which has McNasty losing to Obama among likely voters, 53 to 43 percent. In addition, McNasty's favorability ratings are also heading for the dumpster, with 45% saying that they have an unfavorable impression of him, vs 33% for Obama. Also, 59% feel that McNasty has mainly been attacking his opponent rather that addressing the issues, while only 26% feel that way about Obama.

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