Democrats have been given an opening the size of Rush "Pills" Limbaugh's mouth, which is wide indeed. The blogs are full of commentary today (sorry my link capacity is down) about Congressional Rethugs trying to distance themselves from Pills' various pronouncements that he wants the President to fail - without, of course, offending the Fat One. Dems should keep driving that wedge... but we have our doubts. If you're looking for any Rethug to ever put Fat One in his place, you have a looooong wait ahead. He's "Mr. Conservative" to this crowd.
Meanwhile, the Democrats would be well advised to point out at every opportunity that the only difference between the Congressional Rethugs and loyal Rethug water-carrier Limpballs is that they both want the President to fail, only Limpballs is the only one coming right out with it. How un-American!
(Photo: Limpballs: still suckin')
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