Sunday, February 22, 2009

In Her Cupps

In its ongoing mania to provide valuable column space to unknown wingnuts, today's WaPo has a column by "S.E. Cupps", who's identified as the co-author of "Why You're Wrong About the Right." (Heh, a pun!) Cupps reports on the "stars" of this year's CPAC conference in Washington (CPAC stands for "Crooks, Poltroons, Assholes and Crackpots", btw). She's awed by the awesomeness of Newtie Gingrich, Karl "Turdblossom" Rove, and (be still my heart) Tin Man Steele! Of course the column has a big color photo of (M)Ann Coulter looking particularly vulturine, and mention is also made of fellow "conservative rock stars" Michelle Malkin and Rush "Pills" Limbaugh.

Let all those names circle around your skull for a moment and you almost feel a sense of sadness that this collection of clowns and misfits is what can be called the elite of the conservative movement today.