Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dumb and Dumber

Climate-change legislation will be developed and debated this summer and fall. As one might expect, the Rethugs are in a de-evolutionary spiral to see who can come up with the most ignorant, knuckle-dragging comment about global climate change. With contestants such as Reps. Joe "Methane is Fartin'" Barton (Rethug-TX), Dana "My Mommy Wanted a Girl" Rohrabacher (Rethug-CA), and Sen. James "Duh" Inhofe (Rethug-OK), this will be a hard-fought competition. Here, courtesy of today's WaPo, are several (un)worthy candidates already under consideration:

"The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical"-- Rethug House Minority "Leader" John "Man Tan" Boehner (aka "Boner"). The article helpfully points out that, of course, no one is on record suggesting such a thing. But strawmen can be so fun to make for your pea-brained base to froth about.

"We're cooling. We're not warming"
- Michael "Tin Man" Steele in March. Maybe you thought the question was about Rethug prospects, My Gangsta?

As Al Gore has been quoted as saying with regard to climate change deniers, "There are people who still believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot in Arizona." For Hackwhackers, it only goes to prove the Rethugs are simply adhering to one of the pillars of Republicanism: ignorance.

(Photo: "Man Tan" Boner, the only "comical" thing about the climate change debate.)

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