Thursday, May 7, 2009

Has He Flushed The GOP?

Rethuglican poster boy Joe (not his name) the Plumber (not a plumber) is saying that he's so upset with Rethuglican spending that he's quitting the party. He, of course, was unable to say what spending he'd cut, but that it wouldn't be defense, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which is two thirds of the Federal budget.

Since the fall presidential campaign, Sam Wurzelbacher has been propped up by Rethug contributors and right wing outfits like "Pajamas Media," delivering monosyllabic remarks to enraptured wingnuts, and posing as a "reporter" covering the conflict in Gaza and barely able to distinguish a Palestinian from a pizza. The Rethug Party philosophy is deeply hostile to real working Americans, and has always fought for the interests of the most wealthy. Covering up this fact is a necessity for them, or they'd never win an election outside of Palm Springs. That's why they need phony props like "Joe the Plumber." Losing "Joe" is a good sign that the Rethug Party has yet to hit bottom in its popularity.

(photo: "Joe" getting his daily intellectual fix from the Cartoon Network)

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