Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Perils Of Self-Medication

We've seen Rethuglican leader Pills Limpballs (a.k.a., "Mr. Bouncy Bouncy" on MSNBC's Countdown) pull some exceedingly strange things out of his large hindquarters, but this is hilarious: as we noted yesterday, he's suggesting that Obama's to blame for Gov. Mark "Gaucho Man" Sanford's affair in Argentina. As a result, Ed Shultz featured Limpballs -- whom he refers to as "The Drugster" -- on his nightly "Psycho Talk" segment. Ed gives Pills the best response: ridicule.

Limpballs will need to adjust his self-medication to get through the Obama years. We would suggest increasing the tranquilizers and cutting back on the hallucinogenics.

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