Tennessee Rethuglican Sen. Bob "Gentleman Dork" Corker was to have met with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor last Thursday, but abruptly cancelled after waiting only 10 minutes for Judge Sotomayor to arrive. The Judge is still on crutches, having fractured her ankle a few days before, and was delayed in her meeting with Gentleman Dork, who said he had to move on to another meeting (with who, the Tennessee Squirrel Skinners Association?)
Gentleman Dork, of course, achieved a level of infamy for the racist TV ad which featured a sexy blonde ("Harold, call me") that ran during his Senate campaign in 2006 against African-American Rep. Harold Ford.
We understand that he's trying to reschedule a meeting with Judge Sotomayor; that's a meeting she should decline this time around. You won't get this buffoon's vote, and you certainly wouldn't want it.
(photo: Senator, it's not polite to disclose your sexual inadequacies in a public forum)
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