Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winky and Poot: A Rethug Hoot

As a sign of the disarray of the Rethuglican Party, it took multiple false starts and a belated invitation to get Poot Gingrich and Gov. Winky You Betcha together last night for a political fundraiser. Weeks ago, the Senate and House Rethug campaign committees wanted Winky to keynote the event, but Winky and her staff declined. The Rethugs then turned to the next loser in line, Poot, who never misses an opportunity to talk. At the last minute, Winky decided to attend, but they had to tell her that she wouldn't be speaking (not a bad idea, considering her far-right hallucinations of late). Even so, Winky stole the show from Poot, who must be miffed that his "big ideas" are drawing less attention from fellow Rethugs than Winky's outfits.

What the Rethug elites see in this pair boggles the mind, but we're happy that the Rethugs are managing to, at the same time, look backward and up their rear ends for political leadership.

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