Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tippy Toe, Tippy Toe

"All this stuff is the mainstreaming of Rush Limbaugh from off this far-right fringe they've tried to put me. I just keep tiptoeing into the mainstream. And it just irritates them." -- Never- gonna- be- NFL- owner Pills Limpballs, in an interview with NBC recently about the opposition to his bid to buy the St. Louis Rams. Hmmm "...[F]ar right fringe they've tried to put me?" "Mainstreaming?" Pills is more delusional than we thought if he thinks he's within a light-year of the "mainstream" in America. And who's put him in the far-right fringe more firmly than John Wayne Gacy Limpballs himself? What kind of mind-altering shit is Limpballs on now? Someone, call his doctor!

(Image: Limpballs attempting to "tip toe")

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