Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Virginia's Open for Bidness

Newly-elected theocon Rethuglican Gov. Robert "Stealth" McDonnell is allowing his Cabinet members to serve on corporate boards, according to the WaPo. Cabinet Secretaries already make around $150,000 per year in salary. So when a lot of Virginians are out of work, blowdried Bob is letting his top political appointees hold down more than one job, and well-paying ones at that.

We would hope Virginia's righteous teabaggers would protest this unethical Gummint situation. But since it involves Gov. Stealth, a Pat Robertson-taught Rethuglican winger who poses as a "moderate," it ain't gonna happen. And besides, he's white.

(photo: Gov. Stealth: "I can grab the money with both hands.")

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