Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why We Won't Be Contributing To The Dems This Year

Reason #1:
"Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members' money down the toilet on a pointless exercise... if even half that total had been well-targeted... that could have made a real difference in November." Quote about the Lincoln/Halter primary attributed to an unnamed "senior White House official." Likewise, we won't be flushing any more of our money down the toilet to benefit f**king wankers like this. "Pointless exercise?" For people like the one quoted (Rahmbo? Gibbsie?), you don't stand up for principles. It's all negotiable.

Reason #2:
"[Sen. Blanche] Lincoln was embraced by her colleagues on the Senate floor as a conquering general returning from war...Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) held up two fists and said of her primary campaign: 'Fighting Wall Street with one hand, unions with the other.'" - quoted in the Dickwhisperers' column in today's Kaplan Daily. Yes, Chuck, those bad old unions need fightin' and we're countin' on you Corporate Dems to rake in as much money from your big business (and Wall Street) benefactors to keep them, and progressives, in their place! Asswipe.

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