Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dumbya Wins!*

A poll of 238 Presidential historians ranks the Presidents from first (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) to superlatively dead last*: who else but George "Dumbya" Bush. Others:

2. Teddy Roosevelt
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. George Washington
5. Thomas Jefferson
13. Bill Clinton
15. Barack Obama (preliminary of course)
18. Saint Ronald Reagan

*CORRECTION: Oops! Thanks to literate reader P.E.C., it has been brought to our attention that Dumbya finished 39th out of 43 in the poll. So, by staying out of last for now, he's still a winner!

(Photo: Bush: "I won something?!?)


  1. Sorry guys - but according to my reading of the list - the historians, not my own you understand - Dubya did not even make penultimate, but certainly not for want of trying. I am glad I didn't live in the times of Andrew Johnson, the one who truly did make it to last place with the history buffs. How much worse would he have to have been to beat out the bushmaster, er ah, Bush-master? Thanks for the link - this will be fun to share with friends over the 4th. P.E.C.

  2. Clearly, readin' ain't one of my strengths!
