Thursday, September 23, 2010

Health Reform, the "Pledge," and Political Malpractice

Today, six months after passage of the health reform bill, several key provisions take effect, including no lifetime limits on benefits, sick/costly customers can't be dropped for "technical" mistakes, and children can't be excluded from coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Not bad...for a start.

Meanwhile, in the alternate reality known as Rethuglican politics, Congressional Rethugs issued their lobbyist-written "Pledge to America" today, which was, as expected, the usual right-wing dogma not even warmed over: smaller government, cut non-defense spending, ban abortions, repeal health reform, etc. Oh, and keep those big tax cuts for the wealthy! It's Lemon Pledge*!

And the Dems? Are they ready to do battle over Obama's proposed extension of middle- class- only tax cuts? Are you shitting us? They would need to have a central nervous system (brain and spine) to do that!

* H/t to "Countdown."

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