Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Playing Post Office

Much of the frustration among progressives is over the weak spines and lack of conviction that Congressional Dems have. While Rethugs are on the offensive with literally nothing to offer in terms of solutions that differ from the policies that got us in the trouble we're in, Dems are running for cover. Instead of touting the benefits of, for example, health insurance reform (no more pre-existing condition games or losing coverage after losing your job), Dems are defensive. Their leadership in Congress is less than stellar, with tired old Harry Reid leading the Senate Dems and low caliber, ineffective Steny Hoyer leading the House Dems. This exchange, reported in the Kaplan Daily today, tells you all you need to know about why the Dems are in danger of losing big in November:
"Your schedule," Linda Scott of PBS remarked to Hoyer at Tuesday morning's meeting, "looks pretty light." She asked whether Democrats are "telling you they need to be back home, rather than naming post offices?"

"We always name post offices," Hoyer replied with irritation. "It's a worthwhile endeavor to do that, and people really do appreciate it, particularly when it's their name and their community."

The Democrats are unable to rally themselves around tax cuts for millions of Americans, and their leader is defending . . . postal namings."
That would be funny if it weren't a symbol of what is wrong with Dem leaders who enjoy the largest majority in years. The economy is turning around slowly, the Dems should have the Rethugs where they want them on tax cuts for the rich, the Rethugs are flailing with extreme candidates, and yet it's the Dems that are nervous.

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