Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fruitcakes and Political Fantasy

Worth reading today is Steven Pearlstein's article in the Kaplan Daily, wherein he cautions deluded Rethuglicans not to imagine that because their prospects look good in November it follows that the Rethuglican party "can claim vindication for every nutty notion spouted by its leaders," like how Keynesian economics was proven wrong in the recent/ continuing unpleasantness. He also asks how the
"...beleaguered private sector has responded to this unwarranted and unconstitutional government takeover of the economy? Profits are booming, and publicly traded share prices are up 70 percent!"

Since many of these folks are cut from the same sociopathic cloth, Perlstein is right in saying there's no pleasing them, whether its Sen. Jim "Demented" DeMint (Crackpot-SC) or Wall Street hedge fund manager Anthony "Scaramouche" Scaramucci, who whined at the recent CNBC town hall with Obama that he and his hedge fund masters of the universe were tired of being Obama's whipping boy (the Obama response, which generated the town hall's biggest applause: large portions of the public think I haven't been tough enough!).

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