Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tea Baggers: We Get Good Welfare, Not Bad Welfare

Few tea bagger/ Rethug candidates better demonstrate the disconnect between their idiotic, Randian rhetoric ("get gummint off my back!") and the reality of their willingness to take government benefits that they're entitled to (but think others aren't) than Alaska's "GI Joe" Miller. Matt Taibbi has an amusing piece in Rolling Stone about, hypocrisy of these would-be rugged individualists (Sharron "Obtuse" Angle is another teatard example) who happily take their government benefits (Good Welfare) while railing against the "parasites" who take their unemployment insurance and other forms of social safety net benefits (Bad Welfare). All of which leads to our observation that you don't need a GPS to locate a tea bagger/ Rethug; all you need to do is plot where stupidity, selfishness, and lack of self-awareness intersect.

(Photo: "GI Joe" Miller, self-made hypocrite)

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