The hybrid Chevy Volt has been a favorite target of far-right polemicists like Oxycontin Rush Limpballs and George "Quill" Will, primarily because 1) it's a GM product and therefore is tainted by the (successful) gummint bailout, and 2) the Obama administration is providing a $7,500 tax credit for purchasing the Volt, and therefore is tainted by any association with Obama. Sadly for Limpballs and Will, Motor Trend magazine recently named it its 2011 Car of the Year. So that necessitated a characteristically nasty, silly rejoinder from Limpballs on his radio shew.
Well, Motor Trend didn't exactly take the partisan hackery from the right laying down. Check out Todd Lassa's blog on the kerfuffle with Limpballs. Here's a few quotes from the blog to pique your interest:
From Jonny Lieberman on Quill Will: "A bit of flag waving is in order -- but instead, [George] Will chooses to be a partisan clown and gets everything wrong." (Ed. -It certainly isn't the first time, nor will it be the last.)
From Lassa on Limpballs: "If you can stop shilling for your favorite political party long enough to go for a drive, you might really enjoy the Chevy Volt... Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don't mix." (Ed. - Hee-hee)
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