Sunday, March 6, 2011

Collective Bargaining and the Republican War on the Middle Class

Professors Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson have a must-read Kaplan Daily article on the Rethuglican attempts in Wisconsin, Ohio, and elsewhere, to destroy the power and influence of America's labor unions. The authors survey post-WWII history to demonstrate how the war on the middle class by the wealthy, corporation-loving Rethugs has evolved. Money quote:
"In moments of candor, critics of unions reveal that their agenda transcends budget concerns. House Speaker John Boehner, for instance, decried an economic rescue package for states last year as a 'payoff to union bosses and liberal special interests.'

But the goal of union opponents is not to exorcise 'special interests' from American politics. It is to protect the special interests that represent corporate America and Wall Street from any serious challenge."

Which brings to mind a related joke: A CEO, a teabagger and a union worker are sitting around a table. A plate with a dozen cookies is brought in, and the CEO immediately takes 11 of them. When the other two look at him in surprise, the CEO locks eyes with the teabagger, nods toward the union worker and says, "You'd better watch him; he wants a piece of your cookie!"

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