Monday, March 7, 2011

Holy Huckleberry

It's pretty clear that potential Rethuglican Presidential candidate Mike "Huckleberry" Huckabee wants the political spotlight these days. There was the dishonest jab at President Obama being raised by a Mau Mau-loving father and grandfather in Kenya, followed by the transparent lie that he "misspoke." Recently, The Huckster criticized Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman for conceiving a baby outside of marriage (although she's marrying the baby's father before the baby is delivered).

This morning on MSNBC, there was an interesting spin placed by David Frum on The Huckster's criticism of Portman: it was a veiled shot at potential rival Wasilla Wingnut "Mama Fizzly" Palin and her daughter Bristol, as someone who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. Maybe, and it would be delicious if Mama Fizzly and Huckleberry would square off. But he's also determined to be the candidate of the far right social conservatives, who are the most potent voting bloc in the Rethug base, and this nutty talk is what appeals to them.

(photo: God save us from a President Huckleberry)

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