Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quote of the Day

"The narrative that al-Qaeda uses to recruit suicide bombers is that the United States and the West are not fighting terrorism but trying to destroy Islam. Peter King, with his little hearings, is about to make it harder to refute the jihadists' big lie." -- The Kaplan Daily's Eugene Robinson, commenting on New York Rethug Congressman Peter "Right Wing" King's upcoming "hearings" to, let's be honest, question the American Muslim community's loyalty.

Two things should be pointed out. A study by University of North Carolina terrorism expert Charles Kurzman found that in 48 of 120 cases exposing terrorist plots, the largest single source of information was from the Muslim community. Second, Right Wing King's own record as a longtime vocal champion of Provisional IRA terrorists until recently qualifies him as a supporter of terrorism. Ironically, in its heyday, the IRA received much of its weaponry from Muammar Gaddafi. Got that, Right Wing?


  1. Good for Peter King! The Pakistani's refuse to admit to extremism within their government and their non-Muslim government officials are dropping like flies at the hands of terrorists. When the murders are done, they have public outpourings of support for the terrorists. No other officials will attend the funerals of these murdered civil servants and none will speak openly about the lack of civility in regards to outdated blasphemy laws and the peaceful coexistence of religions. Thank goodness the United States has a history of dialogue and King hasn't been convinced to shelve this debate by knee jerk Muslims who insist that the debates are harming them while seemingly ignoring the fact that the terrorists are doing the greatest harm while they stand conspicuously silent and without a collective voice of disapproval of terrorist activities throughout the globe.

  2. AR - Thanks for commenting. You make valid points concerning Pakistan's internal politics and lack of religious tolerance. No argument there. It's a very, very serious problem.

    We believe that the way King is going about these hearings and their tone will provide al-Qaeda with an additional recruiting tool (ironically, within Pakistan) by falsely claiming that the U.S. is at war with the Islamic faith.
