Monday, June 6, 2011

Ladies and Gentlement, Presenting Your Liberal Media

If you want yet another example of inside-the-Beltway, Rethuglican-wired media, look no further than today's Kaplan Daily front page Sparkle pony puff-piece on Rethuglican wingnuts Michele "Hoot-Smalley" Bachmann and Mama Fizzly. One wonders how writer Sandhya Somashekhar was able to get through the entire love note without ever mentioning any of their dimbulb pronouncements, or their un-electability. Oh, wait... just Google her name and up pops all sorts of (Rethug) love note articles and (Dem/Obama) screeds! (Damn that hippiesocialistobamaloving media!)

(Image: We apologize to any chimpanzees offended by this association with a certain Kaplan Daily "journalist.")

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