Monday, September 26, 2011

Breitbart's Racist Rethug Followers

Angry right-wing turd-squeezer Andrew "White And Not So" Breitbart is always among the first to yell "You lie!" when someone accuses any of his minions in the tea bagger movement (a.k.a., Rethug/ New Confederate Party base) of racism (when he's not editing video to trump up phony controversies with his protege James "G. Gordon Diddy" O'Keefe). Well, Little Green Footballs took on the onerous but helpful task of plumbing the comments of Breitbart's web site-cum-sewer to cull the sinkers and floaters commenting on President Obama's recent appearance before the Congressional Black Caucus. Anyone still wondering if progressives are fighting the good fight need only take a look at this to see who's on the other side. (Warning: you might want to put on your mental Hazmat suit before reading some of this s**t.)

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