Saturday, June 9, 2012

Impolitic Bishops and Uppity Sisters

The Kaplan Daily's Melinda Henneberger and Lisa Miller take on right-wing bishops eager to politic against President Obama, and the Vatican boyz and their 18th century view of the place of women in religion and society. Henneberger ponders whether certain American bishops are close to crossing the line into partisan Rethuglican politics (A: Yes), and Miller, who writes for the "On Faith" section of the Kaplan Daily, takes on the boyz' view of what constitutes "feminism," or more precisely, "radical feminism" among American nuns (A: when "...the sisters aren't behaving as girls should").

Miller gives us our favorite quote, from the late Mary Daly, who taught at Boston College, and who was appalled by
“... the contrast between the arrogant bearing and colorful attire of the ‘princes of the church," [snip] "and the humble, self-deprecating manner and somber clothing of the very few women... Watching the veiled nuns shuffle to the altar rail to receive Holy Communion from the hands of a priest was like observing a string of lowly ants at some bizarre picnic.”

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