Saturday, June 9, 2012

This Week's Nit on a Gnat's Nut Story

We try to catch as many of the "mainstream media's" attempts, first fed and then cheered on lustily by the right-wing noise machine, to take a detrimental-to-Democrats "story" the size of a nit on a gnat's nut* and make it seem like the Extinction Asteroid is about to hit. This week's example is the orchestrated pandemonium caused at last week's press conference when the President said, "The private sector is doing fine" as he was trying to explain the need to pass legislation to stop the hemorrhaging of public sector jobs (e.g., police, firemen and teachers), where much of the losses in the past 3 years have been occurring (thanks to Rethug governors). The context, of course, was lost in the "mainstream media" reporting, because context is, well, you know, practicing journalism, and they just want to get more hits, viewers, readers. It's business, right?

So now President Obama is being portrayed as "out of touch," without any sense of irony, by Willard "I Like to Fire People" Romney, his herd of platinum-plated plutocrats and their media stenographers. Once again we must say, sic transit gloria, America.

* Yes, it's a Dan Rather-ism!

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