Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Fiscal Cliff" Reads

Eugene Robinson on Speaker John "Orange Boner" Boehner's weak hand and the faux indignation of the Rethuglicans and their Beltway media shills about President Obama holding his ground on eliminating the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy:
"How dare he? President Obama, I mean: How dare he do what he promised during the campaign? How dare he insist on a 'balanced approach' to fiscal policy that includes a teensy-weensy tax increase for the rich? Oh, the humanity."
Ezra Klein reminds us about the deal the Rethuglicans could have had last year and the fact that they are still in deep denial:
"Boehner opens his latest letter by reminding the president that 2012 was 'a status quo election in which both you and the Republican majority in the House were re-elected.' That’s technically true and in every other way incorrect. The fact is that 2012 was a Democratic rout, in which Democrats got more votes than Republicans at the presidential, Senate and House levels. Boehner remains speaker because redistricting saved his majority. Nothing more."
And the main economic and budget pivot that the Democrats ran on and won? Higher taxes for the wealthiest Americans.

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