Tuesday, December 4, 2012

More Fuxing Around In Politics

The Fux Network -- a.k.a. GOP TV -- doesn't even attempt to hide its political stripes anymore, as they're almost universally seen as an arm of the Rethuglican propaganda apparatus.

Now we have a story that Fux kingpin and former Rethug operative for St. Ronnie of Hollywood Roger "What Ails Us" Ailes dispatched a Fux contributor to Kabul to encourage Gen. David "Your Secret Is Safe" Petraeus to run for the Presidency as a Rethuglican. The courier also indicated that What Ails Us could serve as the campaign manager, and that the campaign would be bankrolled by phone hacker and right wing media pirate Rupert "Aargh" Murdoch. Imagine, having a major political party candidate bankrolled by a media conglomerate: what kind of deal would he have to make with Aargh in return for the Presidency? One shudders to imagine.

As the late Steve Jobs of Apple told Aargh to his face some years ago:
"The axis today is not liberal and conservative, the axis is constructive-destructive, and you've cast your lot with the destructive people. Fox has become an incredibly destructive force in our society."
And it's gotten worse since then.

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