Thursday, August 14, 2014

Flash: Republicans Produce Fake News

Blind squirrel emeritus Dana Milbank pauses in his analysis of President Obama's golfing habits to unearth yet another nut
The Republican Party has finally admitted what has been fairly obvious for much of the past six years: It produces fake news. 
This is not an earth-shattering revelation to anybody who has been paying attention, but, still, it’s an important step for the party to embrace the phoniness. 
“NRCC Launches Fake News Sites to Attack Democratic Candidates” was a headline in the National Journal on Tuesday. 
As Shane Goldmacher reported, “The National Republican Congressional Committee, which came under fire earlier this year for a deceptive series of fake Democratic candidate websites that it later changed after public outcry, has launched a new set of deceptive websites, this time designed to look like local news sources.” 
These two dozen sites, with names such as “North County Update” and “Central Valley Update” look like political fact-checking sites; the NRCC’s spokeswoman, Andrea Bozek, called it “a new and effective way to disseminate information.”  (ed. note: if by "information" you mean "lies.")
An NRCC official told me the sites are legal because, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll find, “Paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee” in small print. “They’re not fake Web sites,” the official said. “These are real attack Web sites.” 
Real attacks, but fake news: This is a fairly accurate summary of what the GOP’s scandalmongers have been purveying during the Obama years.  (our emphasis)
What, Fox "News" wasn't putting out enough Republican bullshit?

BONUS:  And here's at least one Republican senator who thinks Fox "News" is full of it, too.

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