Friday, August 15, 2014

Overnight Calm in Ferguson, MO

Ferguson, MO went from a virtual battleground on Wednesday, to a peaceful demonstration last night where Missouri State Highway Patrol joined with the demonstrators.  Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson was placed in charge of the local police efforts, and the St. Louis County police withdrew with their heavy weapons.  The State Highway Patrol officers immediately began to repair relationships with the local community, angry and frustrated over the shooting of an unarmed teen, Michael Brown, on August 9.  With the name of the Ferguson police officer made public, the investigation over the use of lethal force against an unarmed person should move quickly.  In the aftermath of Brown's killing, the national discussion is also turning to the question of providing military-grade weapons and vehicles to local police forces to deal with civil disturbances and demonstrations.  The county's use of these weapons and vehicles provoked more outrage than order.

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