Friday, April 3, 2015

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Ben...Uh, What Poll?

The latest Washington Post/ ABC News poll shows some erosion is "likeability" for Hillary Clinton (mostly among Republicans), but recent efforts by Republicans and their water-carriers in the media to "soften her up" with the faux email kerfuffle and reopening House hearings on Benghazi! don't seem to be working too well for the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party:
Tested against four possible Republicans in a general election — Bush, Cruz, Walker and Rubio — Clinton holds double-digit leads in every case. Bush does marginally better than the others but trails by 53 percent to 41 percent among registered voters, while Cruz runs weakest at 54 percent to 37 percent. (our emphasis)
The usual caveats:  Clinton hasn't announced and the election is 18 months away.  But those are almost Franklin Roosevelt/ Herbert Hoover 1932 numbers there.

A fanfare for the Republican aspirants is called for.