Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scott Walker Eliminates Living Wage, Calls Minimum Wage "Lame Idea"

Performing as the plutocrat's puppet that he is, "national disgrace" (h/t AFL-CIO) Gov. Scott "Koch Head" Walker (R-Kochland) is again going after the most vulnerable in his state:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed the new state budget into law on Sunday with a last-minute change that strips the words "living wage" from state laws and replaces it with "minimum wage."
The change means minimum-wage Wisconsin workers will earn nearly $6,000 per year less than what the Massachusetts Institute of Technology calculates is a living wage in the state. And they will have no recourse, according to the Center for American Progress. MIT says a living wage would be $10.13 an hour.
The new law eliminates the ability of low-wage workers to appeal for a living wage. Previously, Wisconsin law stated that employee pay "shall be not less than a living wage," defined as "adequate to permit any employee to maintain herself or himself in minimum comfort, decency, physical and moral well-being." Wisconsin's living wage was tied to the state minimum wage, currently $7.25 an hour(our emphasis)
Perhaps these moochers need to work more hours?

In an interview with Fox "News'" Sean "Heil" Hannity (living proof of the banality of evil), Walker let his Koch brothers John Birch Society freak flag fly:
The left claims they’re for American workers, and they’ve got lame ideas, things like minimum wage,” Walker said. “We need to talk about how we get people skills and qualifications they need to get jobs that go beyond minimum wage.”  (our emphasis)
What gibberish, and what a contrast to the Democratic Party's fight for a living wage across the country to address the plight of the middle class and income inequality.

(Photo:  Scott Walker - "Look out moocher America, I'm comin' to gitcha!")

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