Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today's Wingnut Psychological Profile: Dinesh D'Souza

You may remember this felonious, adulterous clown from the wingnut welfare circuit -  dim filmmaker flimflam maker Dinesh D'Souza:
D’Souza pleaded guilty last September to illegally reimbursing two “straw donors” who contributed $10,000 apiece to Wendy Long’s unsuccessful Senate bid in 2012. D’Souza has since tried to compare himself to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Well, seems the dim one misconstrued the terms of his community service requirement, and has now been told he needs to do 8 hours of community service a week for the entire 5 years of his probation.  For which we say, there's a lot of trash accumulating alongside I-95, so get cracking!

But, what's of more interest to us is this excerpt from the court psychologist's report on D'Souza:
“The client tends to deny problems and isn’t very introspective,” the report read. “The client tends to deny problems and is arrogant and intolerant of others’ feelings.”
The Republican id, right there folks.

BONUS:  Commenter asks about a recent D'Souza's fail:  a photoshop of a Confederate flag in the background of an old picture of Hillary Clinton.  Nice catch.

(Photo:  In denial, check.  Not introspective, check.  Arrogant, check.  Intolerant, check.  Dinesh D'Souza, you are Republican Man!)


Anonymous said...

Has anyone called D'vorce D'Spousa on his circulation of a fake photo of HRC at college with a Confederate Battle Flag in the background?

Hackwhackers said...

We added a "bonus" link to the story of his faked photo caper. We saw the story on a couple of websites, but not many. D'vorce D'Spousa later removed the fake photo. Mark of a scammer and a disinformation artist.