Monday, July 6, 2015

Today's Dispatch From The Stupid Party

South Carolina Republican State Sen.  Lee "Not Very" Bright opened up what was supposed to be a debate over the state's continuing to fly the flag of slavery and treason on the state capitol grounds, but got a little off-course:
Bright argued that lawmakers should be protecting county clerks from the “tyranny” of having to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples instead of debating the Confederate flag.
“Our governor called us in to deal with the flag that sits out front, let’s deal with the national sin that we face today!” he exclaimed. “We talk about abortion but this gay marriage thing, I believe will be one nation gone under like President Reagan said. If we’re not one nation under God, we’ll be one nation gone under.”
“And to sanctify deviant behavior from five judges, it’s time for us to make our stand, church!” Bright yelled. “It’s time to make our stand and we’re not doing it.”
The senator choked up as he continued: “We can rally together and talk about a flag all we want but the devil is taking control of this land and we’re not stopping him!”
There's video of the speech by this porcine seditious theocrat at the link.  Meanwhile, the clock is running on how long before it's discovered that "Not Very" Bright (fill in the blank with some account of hypocritical behavior).  As far as trying to turn a debate about the flag of slavery and treason to a rant about gay marriage?  The man has a future in the Stupid Party, all right (or at least Fox "News").

And as far as the infallible St. Ronnie of Hollywood disapproving of the "gay marriage thing"?
The daughter of President Ronald Reagan says she thinks that her father would not “stand in the way” of gay marriage.
“He was a very tolerant person,” Patti Davis, 60, the late president’s youngest daughter, said on a YouTube show about gay rights on Wednesday. “He did not have prejudices against gay people.”
So "Not Very" Bright knows as much about St. Ronnie as he does about how our system of government works.  Shocking.

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