Sunday, August 16, 2015

Great Moments in Republican Rhetoric, Iraq Revisionism Edition

"First of all, the Iraqis want our help. They want to know that we have skin in the game, that we're committed to this." (emphasis added) -- House of Bush legacy candidate John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush, responding to an audience member at the Iowa State Fair "soap box" on Friday, who pointed out to J.E.B.! that his brother was the one who negotiated the 2011 troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Here we go again. Someone should coach the "smarter Bush" that whenever he hears the word "Iraq," he should fake temporary deafness and excuse himself from the scene.  Then they should point out that, because his brother Dumbya committed the biggest foreign policy blunder in our history after selling the war on cooked up intelligence, we lost thousands of men and women, caused tens of thousands more to be wounded and crippled, and spent up to two trillion dollars on the Bush misadventure.  We'd call that "skin in the game," and any Iraqi knows that, having lost hundreds of thousands of their own people.

BONUS:  Billionaire vulgarian and the Republican Party's dark id Donald "Rump" Trump noticed J.E.B.!'s "skin in the game" nonsense, too, and called him on it.  Popcorn, anyone?


  1. Yes, we must have skin in the game just remember you can't get skin from a Bush...

  2. Yes -- they always seem to be 1) AWOL at Air National Guard duty in Alabama, or 2) otherwise managing to be out of harm's way.
