Friday, May 13, 2016

Dig Deeper: Rump's Hiding Something

Rethuglican nominee-to-be neo-fascist Donald "Rump" Trump should be worried. His refusal to release his tax returns before the November elections is becoming more interesting to a press that is always drawn to speculation and scandal. Rump appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America", where host George Stephanopoulos practiced some unexpected journalism by grilling him on why the tax returns were so sensitive to the blowhard narcissist. When asked what his tax rate was, an irritated Rump replied, "It's none of your business."

We noted yesterday that former Rethug Presidential nominee and Rump antagonist Willard "Mittens" Romney has said that Rump's refusal to release his tax returns is "disqualifying" for the Presidency, and hinted that their release might disclose a "bombshell of unusual size" (ed.: geez, Mittens; you blew the opportunity to say "yuuuge" -- loooser!).  Dem candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have both released their tax returns, with Clinton indicating that she and her husband have released 33 years of tax returns.

Keep the pressure on. It won't sway his delusional, hardcore fan base -- nothing will -- but there may be some independents and persuadable Rethugs who would find his reluctance a sign of something serious that he's hiding.

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