Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Please Nebraska, Let's Win This For Tailgunner Ted

In an interview with fellow Messiah complex sufferer Glenn "Dreck" Beck, sociopath and "Lucifer in the flesh" "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz let slip that he might just reconsider getting back into the now-empty clown bus if he wins the Nebraska primary today (he, John "Who?" Kasich and Der Trumpenfuher are all on the ballot). He told Dreck,
"We launched this campaign intending to win. The reason we suspended our campaign was that with the Indiana loss, I felt there was no path to victory. If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly."
While there's little chance of that happening, it's possible, given popular Nebraska teabagger Sen. Ben "Sassy" Sasse's open and vocal opposition to Rump, and growing cracks in the "unity" of the Rethuglicans. We dearly hope he gets back in, not only because of the chaos that could follow all the way to the convention, but also for the sheer delight of watching two despicable characters go for each other's throats again.

UPDATE:  Nebraska, you let us down. Rump wins that state.

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