Monday, June 6, 2016

Party Over Country Every Time

For decades, Republicans have been putting party over country, working to ensure that whenever Democrats were in power, they wouldn't be able to govern as Democrats (per the irredeemable Grover Norquist), much less govern.  It's further worth recalling that shortly after President Obama's inauguration, Republicans were already meeting to develop an obstructionist strategy to frustrate his mandate and keep him from having a successful Presidency (i.e., saving the economy, health insurance for the uninsured, expanding human rights, addressing climate change, etc.).  One of the leaders of that "party over country" approach has been none other than chin- challenged human/ turtle hybrid Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell (R-Asshole). Of course, nothing has changed for Missy even though his party is saddled with neo- fascist hate-monger Donald "Rump" Trump:
I want to read you something that Erick Erickson, a conservative commentator, wrote for The Resurgent. He wrote it yesterday. "The attacks are racist. To claim someone is unable to objectively and professionally perform his job because of his race is racism. And damn the GOP for its unwillingness to speak up on this. ... [T]he party of Lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist. Damn them for that." What do you say to Mr. Erickson? 
I think the party of Lincoln wants to win the White House. And the right-of-center world needs to respect the fact that the primary voters have spoken.  (our emphasis)
That's some industrial level turd- polishing from an amoral leader of an amoral party full of amoral racists that has thrown in its lot with a bigoted dolt.  History will remember (and not be kind).

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