Well, knock us over with a baby rattle.
According to former campaign staff baby sitters, neo- fascist Giant Toddler* Donald "Rump" Trump functions like a spoiled five- year- old with a personality disorder:
President Donald Trump’s former campaign staffers claim they cracked the code for tamping down his most inflammatory tweets, and they say the current West Wing staff would do well to take note.
The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk.
"If candidate Trump was upset about unfair coverage, it was productive to show him that he was getting fair coverage from outlets that were persuadable," said former communications director Sam Nunberg. "The same media that our base digests and prefers is going to be the base for his support. I would assume the president would like to see positive and preferential treatment from those outlets and that would help the operation overall." [snip]
The in-person touch is also important to keeping Trump from running too hot. One Trump associate said it’s important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And if Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House. (our emphasis)One of the very few perverse satisfactions of living through this nightmare is the thought that Rump's baby sitters are exhausting themselves, hour to hour, day to day, trying to keep him from throwing a tantrum that throws them further behind and off message. The idea that those soulless hacks are busy working on their ulcers, nervous breakdowns, and hopefully are aging three times faster than normal, to serve this odious carbuncle and his un- American agenda -- priceless.
But the stakes are too high to dwell on those thoughts for long. That a 70- year- old man is so emotionally ... weak that he needs to be reassured constantly, is beyond shocking. To restate the obvious, he's not well.
This can't go on for four years.
* h/t Quinn Cummings.
(Image: freethinker.co.uk)
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