Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Morning Reading - What Do We Do Now?

We have several worthy reads this morning concerning what to do about a clearly dangerous, unfit person occupying the Oval Office.

The Washington Post editorial board asks, "What To Do With An Unfit President," then raises, and rejects for now, impeachment and invoking the 25th Amendment, then looks to the Republican- controlled Congress to change its behavior of the last decade or more. To which we say, good luck with that (and please grow some balls)!

Eugene Robinson discusses several strategies, then directs us to the most immediate solution:
Republicans need to stop talking and begin acting to constrain an out-of-control president. They probably won’t, however — which makes it imperative that Democrats win one or both chambers of Congress in 2018. 
Massive “people power” displays of resistance are stirring. But if you really want to make a difference, go out and work to turn the House and Senate into bodies that will ferociously protect our democracy — from a president who grievously threatens it.
Michelle Goldberg suggests that Republicans should tie Rump's hands on use of nuclear weapons, then adds:
Of course, “should” is the key word here. There are plenty of things that Republicans should do about Trump, including impeaching him for violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution. We’ve grown so inured to Republican politicians’ persistent refusal to put the welfare of the country above their re-election prospects and lust for tax cuts that complaining about it feels banal and naïve.
Infidel 753 looks at the most recent efforts in an on- going campaign by the Trump regime to destroy the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), now via Executive Order, and also points to 2018:
But the underlying reality is that it's inherently difficult to keep a system running smoothly when Congress and the White House are held by people grimly opposed to that system's very existence.  The ACA will not be safely re-stabilized until we vote them out.
We can talk all we want about impeachment and the 25th Amendment and wishing Republicans in Congress would put country over party.  The chances of any of those things happening before 2018 are slim and none (actually, none).  Democrats have to get control of one or both houses of Congress in 2018 to stop the constant assault by the Rump regime on the well- being, if not the survival, of our nation and the Earth.


  1. Republican Congress is too busy raping John Q Public to be bothered right now. Once they give their overlords and themselves everything they want, MAYBE, these bastards will take some action. As I said, Maybe.

  2. That sounds about right (perhaps even too optimistic!).
