Monday, October 9, 2017

The Bells Are Ringing

After his latest round of ignorant, cryptic comments regarding actions directed at the paranoid, nuclear armed regime in North Korea, it appears nitwit incompetent Donald "Rump" Trump is finally (perhaps too late) setting off alarm bells:

Steve Schmidt, Republican strategist:
We’re at a dangerous hour in the world... I do think there is a real lack of imagination in this country for the magnitude of the type of tragedy we could have with this reckless and irresponsible president, and it is past time for members of the United States Senate — particularly in the Republican Party, who know what’s going on — to speak out directly about it, to communicate truthfully to the American people. They didn’t take an oath to the Republican Party, they didn’t take an oath to Donald Trump — they took an oath to the Constitution of the United States.
Adm. James Stavridis (Ret.), former NATO commander:
... We are starting to really sleepwalk toward a conflict on the Korean Peninsula. A million people are going to die, and we can still avoid that if we can hold ourselves back from this kind of impetuous behavior. 
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:
Senator Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, charged in an interview on Sunday that President Trump was treating his office like “a reality show,” with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation “on the path to World War III.” [snip]
“He concerns me,” Mr. Corker added. “He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.” [snip]
“I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him,” Mr. Corker said in a telephone interview.  [snip]
“Look, except for a few people, the vast majority of our caucus understands what we’re dealing with here,” he said, adding that “of course they understand the volatility that we’re dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes by people around him to keep him in the middle of the road.” 
As Corker recently tweeted, the White (Supremacist) House "has become an adult day care center." Curiously, Corker was an early endorser of the candidacy of the manifestly unfit Rump (as well as other bad decisions since). Why has it taken this long, and for the stakes to get this high, for his "country before party" instincts to manifest themselves (rhetorical question)? Will others in his party come to the same conclusion, and then do something about it before it's too late?  The track record with that collection of spineless weasels doesn't offer much hope.


  1. It certainly doesn't. Long before the election, many people warned that giving this erratic and belligerent man control over the US nuclear arsenal could lead to disaster. Yet none of those in the party who could have stopped his advance had the guts to do anything.

    It's up to Congress now, or perhaps the cabinet, to act before he triggers an atrocity of mass slaughter that will define the United States in the eyes of the whole world for a century to come.
