Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trump's Mental State: Quote Of The Day

Psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes, speaking last night on MSNBC:
"Going forward, I would not be surprised by anything. If he would try to dissolve Constitution, that wouldn’t surprise me, fire the Supreme Court, wage nuclear war North Korea. These things might seem shocking, but they’re consistent, he has always been consistent in this. Once you understand he is about him, and it’s a very deeply disturbed issue, he has to protect himself from what he sees as an existential threat by denying the reality. Once you understand that, everything else follows, and it’s extremely dangerous....The worst possible case for America to have somebody who is not grossly psychotic—which everyone would know and throw them out—but close enough with a veneer to get by. That’s Donald Trump. He’s villainous because of his sociopathy and psychopathy, but with a tremendous veneer which he is extremely good at.” (emphasis added)
The rambling, vicious tweets, the unhinged behavior, the delusional conspiracy theories, all point to a mental state that may be akin to dementia. More and more people are beginning to speak out, and to identify Trump as a clear danger, given his mental instability and narcissism. It can't come soon enough.

BONUS:  One of those "moderate" Republicans says she isn't concerned, though. Whew! That's a relief!


  1. Is the congress waiting for his signature on THEIR tax bill, before doing ANYTHING? Kinda seems like it. Then after that, they might "86" his ass?.
    I don't recall in my 69 yrs., a congress that's so openly given a finger to the American people. With so many smiles & pride, even!! Even the dems!! WOW!!!

  2. F.M. - Although tax giveaways for their donors and major corporations were their top priority, the Repubs will cook up some additional reactionary legislation for President Dumbass to sign. So, unless he goes completely insane / overturns the Constitution, etc., they'll stick with him. There's also the problem of his mouth-breathing loyal cult, who will punish disloyalty to him.

  3. Sort of makes me wish for the relative good old days of George W. and his torture... sorry, I mean enhanced integration and near Orwellian surveillance.

    Sorry about the flippant comment but I happen to agree with Dr. Dodes. Trump has shown himself to be capable of anything, with the exception of acting like a sane human being. Given Trump's fervent followers even if he is removed from office the damage he has done will be with us for decades.

  4. BB - I'm trying to envision the time when if/when he's removed, considering what Dr. Dodes said. He's more likely than not to resist with every dirty trick, vicious appeal, etc., in the hopes of saving himself. That could be the most dangerous and damaging period for us.

  5. One feels nostalgic for the days when President Palin was the worst we could imagine happening.

  6. Infidel -- Yes, simple stupidity seems almost charming, when now we have stupidity, malice, obstruction of justice, and a deranged chief executive all rolled into one.
