Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Quotes Of The Day

"Don’t listen to anyone who warns the Democratic Party not to “overplay its hand.” It is the constitutional obligation of the Democrats to beat Republicans anywhere and everywhere until consistent defeat wrings out the insanity that elected Donald Trump, and that nominated Roy Moore, from a Republican Party gone blind and mad." -- Charles P. Pierce in a fine read on the results of the Alabama Senatorial special election. How do you overcome the chicanery, the voter suppression, the lies and intimidation?  You overwhelm these weasels at the ballot box.

"...[T]onight is a night for rejoicing because as Dr. King said, as Dr. King liked to quote, "The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Tonight, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, tonight, tonight in this time, in this place, you helped bend that moral arc a little closer to that justice and you did it, not only was it bent more, not only was its aim truer but you sent it right through the heart of the great state of Alabama in doing so." Sen.-elect Doug Jones (D-AL), last night at his victory celebration.


  1. "...wring[ing] out the insanity...from [the] Republican Party..." will not make conservatism a respectable pseudophilosophy.

    What conservatism seeks to conserve is privilege, and privilege reduces to unaccountability. Conservatism, despite its varied tactical manifestations, consists of the proposition that there should be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. No conservative can ever accept the notion of equality before the law. If you accept that, you're not a conservative, even if you think you are or someone else thinks you are. Conservatives cannot coexist with persons who believe in equality before the law. I tell you no new thing: they would be, and they were, the first to say so.

  2. Frank - have to say I agree with you completely. Yours is one of the better distillations of what conservatism is all about that I've seen:

    "... the proposition that there should be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
